Despite Alayna was still recovering from surgery, we still had a great time. Actually, Alayna's best days were Friday and Saturday so we did get to go out and do a lot of things.
We didn't do much dining in due to Alayna's drooling problem because we didn't want to ruin anyone else meal.
I am sure we got a few weird looks when she was carrying her spit cup everywhere we went-shopping, tram to Gatlinburg, dixie stampede. ( bless her heart, she could'nt help it)
The best part was taking the girls to the Dixie Stampede. They absolutely loved it. Especially, Aubree. We couldn't get her to eat for 30 min. because her eyes were glued to what all was going on. She finally decided to eat and loved that whole chicken. It didn't bother her that it still had everything minus a head and guts.
She told everyone bout them horses that done tricks and going to the pokie moutains.